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Month: July 2017

Page: 5

WBDC Birthdays & Anniversary Club Austin  Alles Lexi  Long Dana  Verkamp Judy  Patterson Denise  Schnell Ara  Massey Eli  Schwenk Zach  Cline Pam  Hasenour Kurt  Rauscher Mac  Mcmickle Mike  Hagedorn Megan  […]

Wives were asked, “If you could hypnotize your husband & make him do anything, what would it be?” Answer: Give a good back rub! (Popular guess included household chores, be […]

61% of Americans are embarrassed by this… Answer: Their homes! (Popular guesses included their weight, their kids, Donald Trump, and the morning show they listen to!) Despite all the great […]

WBDC Birthdays & Anniversary Club Kurt Beckman Sandy Titus Robert F. Bleemel Whitney Letterman Stephanie Brinkman Katie Bolte – “Winner” Dolores Rauscher Olivia Fuhs Shelby Merder Charlene Fleck Leon Rauscher […]

17% of people in a recent USA Today survey, voted THIS as the most annoying sound ever? Answer: Sniffling (Most popular guesses included snoring, Dick Vitale, Nickleback, chewing with your […]

WBDC Birthdays & Anniversary Club Tom Neuhoff – “Winner” Don Rottet Sonya Steltenpohl Arnie Schnell Keith Massey Stefanie Kunkler Tanner Sermersheim Samantha Welp Jerry Hoppenjans Skylar Atwood Lisa Leliart Matthew […]

More than half of toddlers can use this by the time they are one. 90% have it mastered by the time they are two. What is it? Answer: A tablet […]


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