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Wendy’s Frosty Funny

Page: 14

Why is cold water so insecure? Answer: Because no one ever calls it “hot”!! Congratulations to Katrina Seitz of Velpen, Indiana for being the FUNNIEST PERSON IN TOWN this afternoon. […]

What did the two pieces of bread say on their wedding day? Answer: It was loaf at first sight!! Congratulations to Dillon Ramsey of Huntingburg, Indiana for being the FUNNIEST […]

How did the man introduce his new wife? Answer: Meet my ex-girlfriend!! Despite all of the great guesses this afternoon, there is no funny business at the WBDC studios today!! […]

Why shouldn’t you marry a tennis player? Answer: Because love means nothing to them!! Congratulations to Louis Hulsman of Jasper, Indiana for being the FUNNIEST PERSON IN TOWN this afternoon […]

What kind of music do planets like? Answer: Nep-tunes!! Despite all of the great guesses this afternoon, there is no funny business at the WBDC studios today! You can try […]

Why was the fraction nervous about marrying the decimal? Answer: Because it would have to convert!! Congratulations to Cindy Kippenbrock of Huntingburg, Indiana for being the FUNNIEST PERSON IN TOWN […]

Where do crayons go on vacation? Answer: Color-ado!! Congratulations to Becky Lampert of Saint Anthony, Indiana for being the FUNNIEST PERSON IN TOWN this afternoon and winning a FREE sandwich […]

Why were the muffler shop employees ready for the day off? Answer: They were exhausted!! Congratulations to Lucas Gutgsell of Celestine, Indiana for being the FUNNIEST PERSON IN TOWN this […]

What do cakes and baseball teams have in common? Answer: They both need a good batter!! Congratulations to Dawn Lynch of Branchville, Indiana for being the FUNNIEST PERSON IN TOWN […]

What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? Answer: A thesaurus!! Congratulations to Mitch Atkins of Saint Anthony, Indiana for being the FUNNIEST PERSON IN TOWN this afternoon […]


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