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Wendy’s Frosty Funny

Page: 9

What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving? Answer: Lucky!! Congratulations to Ryker Culbertson of Tell City, Indiana for being the FUNNIEST PERSON IN TOWN this afternoon!!

What do you get when a turkey lays an egg on a hill? Answer: An egg roll!! Congratulations to Robert Hasenour of Jasper, Indiana for being the FUNNIEST PERSON IN […]

Why was Thanksgiving soup so expensive? Answer: It had 24 carrots!! Despite all of the great guesses this afternoon, unfortunately there is no funny business, at the WBDC studios today!! […]

What did the Uncle say to the pecans? Answer: I only have pies for you!! Despite all of the great guesses this afternoon, unfortunately there is no funny business, at […]

What are turkeys most thankful for, at Thanksgiving? Answer: Vegetarians!! Congratulations to Robert Hasenour of Jasper, Indiana for being the FUNNIEST PERSON IN TOWN this afternoon!!

What can never ever be eaten for Thanksgiving dinner? Answer: Thanksgiving breakfast!! Congratulations to Billy Burns of Tell City, Indiana for being the FUNNIEST PERSON IN TOWN this afternoon!!

What would make Friday the 13th even scarier? Answer: If it were on a Monday!! Despite all of the great guesses this afternoon, unfortunately there is no funny business at […]

What did the family serve after grandma sat on the turkey? Answer: Squash!! Congratulations to Tom Schaffer of Odon, Indiana for being the FUNNIEST PERSON IN TOWN this afternoon!!

Why did the farmer run a steamroller over his potato field on Thanksgiving Day? Answer: He wanted to raise mashed potatoes!! Congratulations to Louis Hulsman of Jasper, Indiana for being […]

What did the Dad say, when the Mom asked him to fix Thanksgiving dinner? Answer: Why? Is it broken? Congratulations to Jackie Kempf of Saint Anthony, Indiana for being the […]


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