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Author: Ty Hunter

Page: 105

70% of people say they’ve done THIS in the bathroom. What is it? Answer: Brushed their teeth with their finger! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to […]

4 out 5 people believe THIS profession is the most honest… Which is it?? Answer: Nurses! Congratulations to Deann of Ferdinand, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE PLANET […]

More than 80% of people say they’ve recently gotten mad with a friend for doing THIS…? Answer: Spoiling a tv show or movie ending! Congratulations to Heather Lutz of Chrisney, […]

According to a recent survey, 6% of people have broken up with someone over THIS…What is it? Answer: Something They Saw On Facebook! Congratulations to Joey Larrison of Troy, Indiana […]

More than 25% people would prefer to shed 10 to 20 pounds this summer than get this? Answer: Promoted at work. Congratulations to Gerry Wessel of Ferdinand, Indiana for being […]


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