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Author: Ty Hunter

Page: 150

A new survey reveals more than 60% of men are unsure how to do this with a woman. What is it? Answer: Shake her hand! Congratulations to Aaron Hopf of […]

Even though this is something we think of our parents’ generation doing, 70% of parents today still believe in doing this while raising their children. Answer: Spanking them! Congratulations to […]

MSNBC did a study and found that about 25% of kids are going to school today with THIS in their backpack. What is it? Answer: Hand sanitizer! Congratulations to Chris […]

According to a new study the Monday after Daylight Saving Time, people are more likely to what? Answer: Have a heart attack! (You’re also more likely to be injured at […]

In a new office survey – 80% of women said if they could give one piece of advice to their male colleagues, it would be THIS. What is it? Answer: […]

According to a new survey of singles, this is the number one financially related deal breaker on a first date. Answer: If a credit card gets declined! (followed by contesting […]

A new poll found this is the number one reason you are undateable. Answer: You’re irresponsible! Congratulations to Kelsey Erny of Holland for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE PLANET […]

In a recent poll people were asked “Who are you most surprised is still alive.” Who is it? Answer: Ozzy Osbourne! Congratulations to Matt Hardy of French Lick for being […]

In a recent survey, 79% of people said – even if THIS was FREE – they would turn it down. What is it? Answer: A trip to space! Congratulations to […]

New survey says this is the #1 reason people flirt at work. Answer: To get someone to do their work for them! Congratulations to Jennifer Wagner of Dale for being […]


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