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Author: Ty Hunter

Page: 4

According to a new survey, THIS is the top annoying conversation for couples to have…what? Answer: What to eat for a meal 37% Congratulations to Aaron Atkins of Dubois, Indiana […]

2 out of 5 people say they do not like doing THIS with their partner. What is it? Answer: Driving! Congratulations to Jon Wiseman of Birdseye, Indiana for being the […]

The average cost of one of these in 2022 was $27,000. What?   Answer: A wedding! Congratulations to Nathan Cooper of Birdseye, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE […]

About 41% of us can clearly remember this specific “thing” from our youth…what is it? Answer: The license plate number on our first car! Congratulations to Bubba Fleck of Jasper, […]

When it comes to re-gifting, most people said they would be most likely to re-gift to this person. Who?   Answer: A co-worker! Congratulations to Heather Belcher of Jasper, Indiana […]

It’s estimated that of people who own one of these, about 75 percent of them never or hardly ever use them…what is it? Answer: A pool table! Despite all the […]

The first time this happened was Christmas Eve in 1906. What is it? Answer: The 1st song was played on the radio. It was “O Holy Night.” Congratulations to Chonnie […]

It’s rare for guys, but somewhat common for women. In fact, 25 percent of women have done this at least once during their lifetimes…what is it?   Answer: Said “No” […]

Just over half of holiday shoppers do this every year… Answer: Buy something for themselves Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to WBDC Morning DJ Ty Hunter […]

Nearly 20% of people say this is something they don’t plan to do this holiday season… Answer: Mail Christmas cards Congratulations to Kayla Thackrey of Jasper, Indiana for being the […]


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