10 % of us will do this on Christmas Eve. Answer: Put up the Christmas Tree! Congratulations to Tracy Uppencamp of Huntingburg, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON […]
16% of homeowners say they have never gone up in the attic for this reason… Answer: They’re afraid they’ll fall thru the ceiling! Congratulations to Kurt Hassfurther of Schnellville, […]
This happens more in the two weeks before Christmas than any other time of the year. What? Answer: Couples break up! Congratulations to Mike Still of Tennyson, Indiana for […]
The average length of time for this is 36 hours. What is it? Answer: How long a dirty dish sits in the sink! Congratulations to Mitch Atkins of St. Anthony, […]
According to recent survey 20% of us say this is our favorite place to hide our extra cash…where is it? Answer: Our underwear drawer! Congratulations to Ryan Wineinger of Celestine, […]
12% of people polled claimed they have never done THIS. What is THIS? Answer: Googled themselves! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to WBDC Morning DJ Ty […]
75% of house guests say they feel compelled to do this when staying the night… Answer: Wake up the same time as their hosts! Despite all the great guesses this […]
In a survey, 73% of women think that this looks ridiculous on a man over 40. What? Answer: A backwards baseball cap! Congratulations to Leo Cox of Eckerty, Indiana […]
Most of us have one of these, but about 3.5% of us have two. What is it? Answer: Middle names. Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes […]
Wednesday nights around 7pm is the most common time for THIS to occur. What is it? Answer: It is the time you’re most likely to have a glass of wine! […]