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Sunny’s Morning Brainteaser

Page: 154

8% of us will do this to win an argument with our significant other? Answer: Give the silent treatment! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to WBDC […]

26% of mothers think their son(s) need(s) to cut back on this. What is it? Answer: Using too much cologne! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to […]

The average male office worker has 20 percent more of this than the typical woman. What is it? Answer: Bacteria! (both on his desk, and on his body) Despite all […]

57% of employers are less likely to promote someone, who does this in the office. Answer: Uses Profanity! Congratulations to Diane Carie of Dubois, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON […]

84% of people who have tried THIS have failed… Answer: Becoming a vegetarian! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to WBDC Morning DJ Ty Hunter for being […]

The number one white lie we tell is “I’m fine.” What’s number two? Answer: “I’ll be there soon” or “I’m on my way.” Congratulations to Clint Cummins of Birdseye, Indiana […]

According to a new survey, half of married men admit they find THIS person attractive Answer: Their mother-in-law! Congratulations to Leonard Van Patten of Huntingburg, Indiana for being the SMARTEST […]

15% of us have done this accidentally while shopping? Answer: Try to get in the wrong car in the parking lot! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes […]

According to a new survey, Americans bought an estimated 46 million of these this year at an average cost of $43 Answer: Christmas Trees! Congratulations to Isaac Hoffman of Huntingburg, […]

25% of us have done THIS at an office Christmas party? Answer: Nodded off! (Fell asleep) Congratulations to Nancy Smith of Holland, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE […]


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