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Sunny’s Morning Brainteaser

Page: 107

The average single woman does this every 2 1/2 weeks, while the typical single man does it every three months. Answer: Change their bed sheets! Congratulations to Andy Miller of […]

What is the number 1 thing people judge about your home? Answer: The smell! Congratulations to Brandon Meredith of St. Croix, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE PLANET […]

44 million people will forget to buy this person a gift for Christmas, even though they see them almost every single day. Who? Answer: Your neighbor! Congratulations to Shawn Condra […]

A new study shows that the average person spends 3.6 months of their life waiting for this to happen, what is it? Answer: Other people to finish eating! Congratulations to […]

By 2020, about 30 percent of Americans are expected to do this? Answer:  Take a DNA test! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to WBDC Morning DJ […]

According to a new survey, 53% of holiday shoppers plan to buy this person a gift this holiday shopping season. Who? Answer: Themselves! Congratulations to Lee Ray Waddle of Birdseye, […]

What’s the number one reason people don’t want to stay with relatives during the holidays? Answer: The sleeping arrangements! Congratulations to Gary Oeding of Jasper, Indiana for being the SMARTEST […]

22% of people have had this happen to them before at Thanksgiving dinner? Answer: Food poisoning! Congratulations to Linda Waddle of St. Anthony, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON […]

Data from Google trends has again figured out each state’s most Googled Thanksgiving recipes. What is Indiana’s this year? Answer: Jell-O! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes […]

30% of men under 30 say they’d consider doing this, but 90% of men over 65 said no way… Answer: Wear make-up! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations […]


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