Most of us do this once a week, however 10% of us do it once a day. What is it? Answer: Vacuum! Congratulations to Ashley Merkel of Dubois, Indiana for […]
In the morning, 32% of people admit to doing this to save time? ANSWER: Changing in their car! Congratulations to Brandon Wagler of Montgomery, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON […]
A recent survey found that 82% of Americans have recycled and reused this to save money. What is it? Answer: Aluminum Foil! Congratulations to Jeremy Combs of Birdseye, Indiana for […]
25% of couples enter into marriage without knowing this about their spouse. What is it? Answer: Their salary! Congratulations to Gibson Hochgesang of Celestine, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON […]
A survey found that 44% of us agree that THIS is our biggest pet peeve about public restrooms? Answer: Horrible toilet paper! Congratulations to Levi Hulsman of Jasper, Indiana for […]