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Sunny’s Morning Brainteaser

Page: 197

According to a recent survey, about 10 percent of people say they choose not to use this because they think it “adds excitement”…what is it? Answer:  Turn Signals! Congratulations to […]

According to a new USA Today survey, one in four pet owners have done THIS for their pets.  What is it? Answer: Taken a sick day for them! Despite all […]

60% of people do NOT know THIS number. What is it? Answer: Their license plate number! Congratulations to Lucy Wilder of Lynnville, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE […]

This is the second most visited tourist spot in the United States with 41.1 million visitors last year. Answer: Las Vegas! Congratulations to Corey Cole of Schnellville, Indiana for being […]

This can be cracked, this can be made, it can also be told, and it can be played. What is it? Answer: A Joke! Congratulations to Jenny King of Huntingburg, […]

Almost 15% of adults say they’ve had a drink or two before doing THIS.  What is it? Answer: Go to the dentist! Congratulations to Bryan Kramer of Huntingburg, Indiana for […]

28 percent of people do this at home, 70 percent of people do it away from home, and 2 percent never do it…what is it? Answer: Wash their car! Despite […]

According to a survey, being attractive was the #2 biggest date turn on. What was #1? Answer: Good manners! Congratulations to Chris Tuggle of Evanston, Indiana for being the SMARTEST […]

77% of women in a recent survey said THIS a big NO for any guy over the age of 30. What is it? Answer: An earring! Congratulations to George Roush […]

You reach peak happiness at this age. Answer: 39! Congratulations to Chad Vonderheide of Huntingburg, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE PLANET this morning and winning a FREE […]


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