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Sunny’s Morning Brainteaser

Page: 137

According to a recent survey, more than half of women would consider dumping a man if he wore THESE. What is it? Answer: Tighty Whities! Congratulations to Willie Neukam of […]

48% of women purchase this when they are feeling down. Answer: Makeup! Congratulations to Kathy Rogillio of Bretzville, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE PLANET this morning and […]

If asked, a third of men would not know this about their wife, What is it? Answer: Her job title! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to […]

A new survey says one in 10 of us who were grossed out by this as kids, are still grossed out about it as adults. Answer: Seeing our parents kiss! […]

Almost 80% of women say THIS is a big no no for any guy over the age of 30. What is it? Answer: An earring! Congratulations to Nathan Lueken of […]

The average parent knows seven of these by heart. What is it? ANSWER: Recipes! Congratulations to Tina Roos of Ferdinand, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE PLANET this […]

Almost a quarter of women regularly check on this about their partner. What is it? ANSWER: Their bank account! Congratulations to Gibson Hochgesang of Celestine, Indiana for being the SMARTEST […]

For men on dating apps this is the number one profession women will swipe right on? Answer: Pilot! (We couldn’t find radio disc jockey anywhere on the list) Congratulations to […]

According to a new survey of employers, THIS is the number one overrated quality job seekers put on their list of skills when applying for a job. Answer: Creativity! (They […]

Nearly 1/2 of us have lied to a friend to get out of this? Answer: Helping them move! Congratulations to Beth Tyler of Jasper, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON […]


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