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Author: Ty Hunter

Page: 129

According to a new survey, the average cost of this is $4.65 per person this year, the lowest it has been in two years. Answer: Thanksgiving dinner! Congratulations to Tommy […]

60% of women in a recent dating survey said when they see a guy with THIS, they are completely turned off. What is it? Answer: A comb-over! Despite all the […]

In a new Yahoo survey, 15% of couples say they do THIS, but they do it separately. What is it? Answer: Food shopping! Congratulations to Larry Zolgman of Fulda, Indiana […]

Each year, the average woman spends 2.5 hours doing this, the average man, 3 hours…what is it? Answer: Decorating for Christmas! Congratulations to Tom Mills of Huntingburg for being the […]

In a new People Magazine survey, 26% of adults said THIS is their biggest bedroom pet peeve. What is it? Answer: Crumbs in bed! Congratulations to Brandy Anderson of Huntingburg […]

When it comes to helping around the house, 33% of men do THIS… Answer: The chores poorly so they never have to do them again! Congratulations to Mike Scott of […]

According to a new survey of singles, the number one relationship deal breaker for men was a woman who had a disheveled appearance while the number one deal breaker for […]

According to a recent survey almost 20 percent of us have been asked by our boss to stop doing this at work…what is it? Answer: Shopping online! Congratulations to Ron […]

46% of adults in a new Yahoo survey said THIS is the most un-thoughtful holiday gift someone can buy. What is it? Answer: Lotion! Congratulations to JD Robinson of Dale, […]

Less than 5% of people admit they’ve stolen _____ from a hotel. Answer: A plant! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to WBDC Morning DJ Ty Hunter […]


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