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Author: Ty Hunter

Page: 143

More than 15% of women are more turned on by this than their partner. What is it? Answer: Shoes! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to WBDC […]

1/4 women wish they could change the way they do this. What is it? Answer: Laugh! Congratulations to Larry Zoglman of Fulda for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE PLANET […]

According to a new survey, 93% of dog owners are convinced their dogs have the ability to do this. Answer: Smile! Congratulations to Kathy Fulkerson of Huntingburg for being the […]

More than 25% of women say this is the best thing about not being in a relationship. What is it? Answer: Wearing comfortable underwear. Despite all the great guesses this […]

This year, 22% of new brides will have this in common… Answer: They won’t take their husband’s last name! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to WBDC […]

A new dating survey shows that the majority of women say a candlelight dinner is the most romantic date. What came in second? Answer: A picnic! Congratulations to Susan Dawson […]

Most parents in a recent Parenting.com survey said, they think it’s easier to do THIS with girls than it is with boys. What is it? Answer: Naming them! Congratulations to […]

According to a new survey, on any given day 18% of people are seriously considering this. Answer: Quitting their job! Congratulations to JD Robinson of Dale for being the SMARTEST […]

10 years ago, only 8% of couples admitted doing this. Today, it’s up almost 20%… Answer: Sleeping in separate beds. Congratulations to Lila Kempf of Dubois for being the SMARTEST […]

More than 25% of married women think their husband has done this behind their back. What is it? Answer: Skipped work to play golf! Despite all the great guesses this […]


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