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Sunny’s Morning Brainteaser

Page: 179

According to a new survey by People Magazine, 68% of 5000 men said THIS was a “Deal Breaker” when looking at someone as a prospective partner Answer: If she rooted […]

U.S. workers were asked to name the perk that would make them more willing to come to or stay with a company…almost 45% said what? Answer: Half days on Fridays! […]

15% of kids have been grounded at this time of year because of this… Answer: Throwing a snowball! Congratulations to Steven Temple of Jasper, Indiana for being the LAST SMARTEST […]

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your teenage self? Less than 5% of people said… Answer: Listen to your parents! Congratulations to Darlene Mann […]

70% of people use THIS PHRASE as an excuse to meet the person next to them… What is it? Answer: Asking for Mints/Gum! Despite all the great guesses this morning […]

According to the job seeking website, Monster.com, during the holidays, office temperature is the #1 complaint between co-workers. What is #2? Answer: Foods that smell being left in the kitchen! […]

According to a new survey, 69% of Americans say this is their favorite thing about the Christmas season. Answer: Spending time with family and friends! Congratulations to Brandon Burris of […]

1 out of 6 people say the all-time greatest Christmas present would be….what? Answer: A Vacation! Congratulations to Damion Buschkoetter of Ferdinand, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE […]

Almost 30% of men – on their dating profiles – say they would NOT date someone who…….what? What is it? Answer: Have two or more cats! Congratulations to Lonnie Howe […]

According to this survey, the happiest couples do this. Answer: Post less about their relationship on social media! (They say the best sign of a happy couple is no sign […]


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