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Sunny’s Morning Brainteaser

Page: 203

25% of men in a recent Yahoo survey said they get tired after about 26 minutes of doing THIS. What is it? Answer: Shopping! Congratulations to Patty Schwoeppe of Saint […]

More than 75% of people say they do this alone but would prefer to do it with someone else… Answer: Drive to work! Congratulations to Jeremy Knight of West Baden, […]

According to a recent survey, almost 30 percent of American’s do this after they buy a new car…what is it? Answer: Name it! Congratulations to Jenna Hasenour, Indiana for being […]

80% of students said they did THIS about 3 times a week in college. What was it? Answer: Ate Ramen Noodles! Congratulations to Chris Furman of Ottwell, Indiana for being […]

In a new Yahoo survey, 55% of guys say they keep THIS in their car. What is it? Answer: Cologne! Congratulations to Lucy Wilder of Lynnville, Indiana for being the […]

In a new relationship survey, 17% of people say their partner annoys the heck out of them when they do THIS. What is it? Answer: Talk in their sleep! Congratulations […]

The average teenager owns three of THESE. What is it? Answer: Sports Jerseys! Congratulations to Tim Fortwendel of Evanston, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE PLANET this morning […]

The average single woman does this every two-and-a-half weeks, while the typical single man does it once every three-and-a-half months. What is it? Answer: Change the bed sheets! Congratulations to […]

A little over 50% of women say they actually do this much better than their husband. Answer: Mow the lawn! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to […]

According to a recent survey, the average American has at least one of these that they haven’t used in almost a year…what is it? Answer: A key on their keychain! […]


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