Almost 40% of people with an S.O. say they prefer to keep this a secret from them… Answer: Love letters from an ex! Despite all the great guesses this morning […]
21% of women do this before working out. What is it? Answer: Put on lipstick/makeup! Congratulations to Cody Braun of Gentryville, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE PLANET […]
According to a report, “Check the Answering Machine” is the #2 phrase that went extinct thanks to modern technology. What is #1? Answer: “Be Kind Rewind!” Despite all the great […]
20% of at-home workers do this during their workday. What is it? Answer: Play video games! Congratulations to Tanner Lemond of Petersburg, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE […]
A new survey says this is the area of the house that is least likely to be cleaned… Answer: Baseboards! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to […]