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Sunny’s Morning Brainteaser

Page: 160

20% of people say this is the first thing they do when their car breaks down. What is it? Answer: Call their father! Congratulations to Austin Kempf of St. Anthony, […]

85% of married couples say doing this daily activity together improves their relationship. What is it? Answer: Cooking!!! Congratulations to Sarah Harris of Holland, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON […]

According to a new study, doing this every morning can lower your risk of a heart attack by up to 18%. Answer: Having Breakfast! Congratulations to Jerry Wessel of Ferdinand, […]

1-in-4 of us have been late for work because of THIS? Answer: Forgot phone and went back home to get it! Congratulations to Penny Spangler, Indiana for being the SMARTEST […]

The average mom is going to say it 120 times this year. What is it? Answer: Clean your room! Congratulations to Mary Verkamp of St. Anthony, Indiana for being the […]

50% of parents don’t want their kids picking up this bad habit from them. What is it?” Answer: Their driving habits! Congratulations to Kevin Gay of Jasper, Indiana for being […]

82% of people surveyed said they don’t mind if this is true about their boss? Answer: The boss is younger than them!!! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations […]

26% of women say this is the thing they dislike the most about sleeping in the same bed with their partner. What is it? Answer: He sweats in his sleep! […]

1/2 of all men have this in their car. Answer: Cologne! Congratulations to Tammy Weisman of Jasper, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE PLANET this morning and winning […]

A new poll finds that half of us keep THIS hidden in our homes? Answer: Love letters from an ex! Congratulations to Bubba Fleck of Celestine, Indiana for being the […]


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