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Sunny’s Morning Brainteaser

Page: 98

While working from home, 7% of Americans say they never do this? Answer: Wear pants! Congratulations to Linda Summers of Huntingburg, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE PLANET […]

78% of people surveyed said that this makes them feel like they have their life together. What is it? Answer: A clean car! Congratulations to Gary Neher of French Lick, […]

1 in every 50 kids born in America this year will go through life without one of these. What? Answer: A middle name! Congratulations to Tina Moriarty of Jasper, Indiana […]

In 1950, only about 7% of women did this. Today, over 70% do. What is it? Answer: Color or dye their hair! Congratulations to Matthew Berg of St. Anthony, Indiana […]

This did not become popular in the US until around 1945. What is it? Answer: Brushing your teeth! Congratulations to State Senator Mark Messmer of Jasper, Indiana for being the […]

Approximately 3% of Americans have one of these, however 30% of us think we do. What is it? Answer: A food allergy! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations […]

On average, it’s going to take less than ten minutes for this to happen. What is it? Answer: For music to make you feel happy! Despite all the great guesses […]

According to a new survey, 38% of people say that the quarantine has made them more appreciative of this…? Answer: Nature! Congratulations to Jason Potts of Petersburg, Indiana for being […]

As a result of being quarantined at home, 53% of parents have admitted to this? Answer: Hiding in the car! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to […]

According to a new poll, only 20% of people say they still carry one of these around and most who do are 65 or older. What is it? Answer: A […]


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