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Sunny’s Morning Brainteaser

Page: 75

One in 5 people claim they did THIS when they didn’t. What is it?   Answer: Worked out! Congratulations to Allison Underhill of English, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON […]

A new study found this activity can reduce stress in adults. What is it? Answer: Grocery shopping! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes to WBDC Morning DJ […]

3% of people admit they’ve broken down and cried in the last year over this. What is it?   Answer: Computer problems! Congratulations to Robert Hasenour of Jasper, Indiana for […]

The average person does this 10x a month. What is it?   Answer: Forgets a password! Congratulations to Greg Brinkman of Ferdinand, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE […]

18% of adults are afraid to do this with their spouse.  What is it?   Answer: Ride in a car with them! Congratulations to Bryce Wehr of Huntingburg, Indiana for […]

10% of people claim they do this every day. What is it?   Answer: Vacuum!   Congratulations to Phillip Jones of Dubois, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE […]

According to a recent survey, car keys are the most often misplaced item, followed by this. What?   Answer: Cellphone charger! Despite all the great guesses this morning congratulations goes […]

Teenage girls do this about once a week. What is it?   Answer: Slam a door! Congratulations to Bryan Hochgesang of Jasper, Indiana for being the SMARTEST PERSON ON THE […]

According to a new study, 55% of us don’t do this as much as we probably should because we’re afraid to. What is it?   Answer: Check our bank account! […]

The average person goes through 3 of these a year.  What is it?   Answer: Tubes of Toothpaste!   Congratulations to Trevor Horney of Birdseye, Indiana for being the SMARTEST […]


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